Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Almost Goodbye Again

It's that time :) James will be leaving for Afghanistan soon and Charlie and I are gearing ourselves up for another goodbye. I'm not worried about her forgetting him this time because she is older and can communicate so much more than before. We have another little one on the way (surprise!) so that makes me a little more worried this time, but I know God is in control and I have family and friends surrounding me ready to help.

We are getting ready to brave the potty training front!! If anyone has tips I sure could use them. It seems like a huge challenge to me right now. Charlie is growing by leaps and bounds and still has the sweet temperment she has always had. She has her tantrum moments but don't we all!

We just joined Southwest Baptist Church this past Sunday and met a LOT of new, wonderful people and are enjoying seeing a lot of old friends there lately. Our Sunday school class is starting to feel like a little family (and by little I mean the size of a small church).

Keep us in your prayers!

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